Production switched to the night attack capable F/A-18D with BuNo 163986. All HornetC/Ds from Lot 12 (but not Hornet-Ds from Lots 10 and 11) are night attack models. The F/A-18 two-seat version carry flight controls in the front cockpit only and are intended as a tandem night attack aircraft, rather than a tandem trainer (such as the Hornet-B). Two controllers are added to the sides of the aft occupant. These deal with radar, sensor and ECM systems, with switches at the center of both associated with the HARM.
However, if desired, night attack F/A-18s may be fitted to standard configuration, with the (re)installation of the throttle and control column. During the Gulf War, only one aircraft was so configured, deployed with VMFA(AW)-121. In practice, the similar aft cockpit reconfiguration from trainer to a night attack is extremely impractical and has probably never been done. Originally, it was seen as an eight-hour job. It involves removing the throttles, "fixing" the rudder pedals (no movement), removing the stick and installing the two side-console hand-controllers.